What is The Future of Self Managed Superannuation Funds?

Aaron Dunn of the SMSF Academy released a report on the future of SMSF on 28 August.

SMSFs now account for over one million members and $560 billion of assets.

With the increased complexity of super and changing nature of the industry due to efficiencies in data collection it is more important to use a SMSF specialist accountant.

We have recognised the need for specialisation and have undertaken the Charted Accountant SMSF Specialisation qualification. In addition we have the limited license qualification in progress to be applicable by the introduction of the new requirements by 2016.

SMSF industry is expected to continue to grow as people appreciate the benefits of flexibility and independence that a SMSF provides, especially as you head closer to or in retirement.


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Phone: (07) 5451 0455

Email: consult@accumul8.com.au

Level 2, 18 Second Avenue, Maroochydore QLD 4558

PO Box 5609, Maroochydore BC QLD 4558

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