JobKeeper Payment - Employee Nomination Notice for Employers
The JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice is to be completed prior to enrolling for the JobKeeper Payment
You will need to enrol for the JobKeeper payment through the ATO Business Portal, in the ATO onlince service using myGov if you are a sole trader, or through a registered tax ro BAS agent.
- Notify your eligible employees that you intent to participate in the scheme.
- Ask your employees if they agree to be nominated and receive payments from you are part of the scheme.
Both you, the employer and the nominated employee need to complete the Jobkeeper employee nomination notice following:
The notice does not need to be submitted to the Australina Taxation Office, however you should keep a record for a minimum of five years to support that your employee has agreed that you, the employer have claimed the JobKeeper Payment for them.
Please note a different nomination process is required if you intent to claim the JobKeeper payments for an eligible business participant for example a partner in a partnership, an adult beneficiary of a trust or a shareholder or director of a company or a sole trader. Please refer to the ATO or our website for further information.